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May 31, 2014


Hello, everybody !

Today's theme in the "Alphabet nail art challenge" is the letter 'E', and I chose to create an Exotic manicure. I used two gorgeous and hot nail polishes and combined them into a gradient, then used acrylic paint to freehand some hibiscus flowers.

I started with a base coat and then applied two coats of Golden Rose Holiday #78. This is definitely the must-have of the summer. It's a hot orange textured nail polish, but also has some fine silver shimmer in it. It looks gorgeous on tanned skin, it applies wonderfully and dries really fast. Once that dried, I used a makeup sponge and dabbed the hot pink China Glaze 'Love's A Beach' on the tips of my nails. Then I just started free-handing some hibiscus flowers with black acrylic paint. To seal the design, I used Seche Vite and, even though the finish was textured at first, the top coat made it a little bit smoother and more even. I wore this manicure for a whole week about a month ago (if you're wondering why my nails look long again ^_^). I got tons of compliments and everyone doubted that I actually painted the flowers, arguing that they were decals. I actually had to make them look up-close and show them that there were no two identical flowers. I kinda hate it when that happens, but it also means that the design is perfect, right ? :p

So... now onto your opinions ! Do you like the theme, the idea, the result, the pictures ?... I'd love to see what you think about this design. Thank you for your time ! ^_^ 

Please stop by the other girls to see their manicures for this theme !



  1. Minunata manichiura. Culori + flori + unghii = superbe!

  2. Woow deci am ramas perplexa!Floricele free hand.As fi jurat ca sunt stampilate ♡

    1. :D Ești simpatică, mă bucur că îți plac...

  3. Absolut superbe! Îmi plac la nebunie culorile folosite la gradient, dar și floricelele arată foarte bine!

  4. super cute gradient-ul! love it!:*

  5. Am ajuns la concluzia ca ador tot ce-ti faci pe unghii si abia astept sa vad ce idei iti mai vin :))) Superbe si astea! :* Great job!

    1. Mulțumesc din suflet, Sascha ! ^_^ Apreciez mult !

  6. Doamne acum am citit ca sunt pictate! Eram ferm convinsa ca sunt stampilate! :O

    1. :D M-am gândit eu că ar fi bine să specific... :D

  7. Da, e uimitor cat de bine sunt desenate, sunt pur si simplu perfecte ♥

  8. Si eu eram convinsa ca sunt stampilate :)) esti foarte talentata, ti-au iesit superb! :)

  9. ^_^ Ce frumos... Mulțumesc mult ! :*

  10. Foarte frumoasa este manichiura, gradientul e superb si modelul desenat ti-a iesit fr bine

  11. Definitely HOT, din toate puctele de vedere! Superbe culori si print, pana acum acesta este favorita mea dintre toate cele vazute!

  12. Sunt superbe! Puteam sa jur ca florile sunt stampilate! Foarte frumoase :)
