August 8, 2013

Rainbow pedicure

There's not really much to say about this pedicure. I applied a white base and then I combined and blended two colours together on a sponge and applied it on each nail, respecting the rainbow colour spectrum. Because the big toenails were kind of plain, I decided to apply 3 stars on each of them.

Nu am prea multe de spus despre această pedichiură. Am aplicat o bază albă şi apoi am îmbinat câte două culori pe un bureţel cu care am tapotat fiecare unghie, respectând spectrul culorilor din curcubeu. Deoarece unghiile mari erau prea simple, am aplicat câte 3 steluţe pe fiecare dintre ele.


  1. Your toes are beautiful.i wish I had your steady hand to do such a perfect job .wearing one color on your toes is boring .rainbow is eye-catching
